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Updated: Jul 24, 2023

VOIP uses IP techs to make calls over an IP network instead of the normal phone network. VOIP stands for voice over Internet protocol and this technology was invented not quite long in a bit to reduce the call rates placed on long-distance calls and international calls. This technology simply works by detecting an analog audio signal and then converting them into digital data that can be transmitted over the internet. In the simplest form, we can say that VoIP is the action that involves making and receiving calls over the internet. The VOIP does not only transmit voices, they also are capable of transmitting multimedia content and messages. You have definitely taken a good decision to implement the use of the VOIP phone system.

This is because this technology has lots of benefits for businesses. The VOIP has excellent call quality; it is portable and cost-effective. It also performs a wide range of functions and has all the features that traditional landlines possess. In a way, it also enhances the productivity of employees in their place of work. There are other benefits that you are open to when you make use of this technology hence I must say that you have taken a good decision to get on for your business. Selecting the right VOIP phone system to buy might be a bit tasking especially for first-timers. This is why we have decided to take our time to prepare you for the important little details you need to be aware of before buying a VOIP. These tips will; go a long way in helping you get a high-quality VOIP system.

Weigh features against cost: When buying a VOID system, you should first and foremost weigh the features of the VOIP system you are getting against its cost. You can weigh the following features; What is the monthly charge per user? What setup fees does the VOIP system have? How much hardware do you need to purchase for the VOIP system? Etc Weighing these features of the VOIP system will help you know if the cost allocated for that particular VOIP system is economical on your own side in terms of cost. If you are a business owner, be careful not to pay for VOIP systems whose complex features you do not need so that they won’t add to your production cost without it giving your business any returns for the complex features paid for. Because every VOIP id s designed to lower costs and make businesses flexible.

Scrutinize for standard features: Every VOIP system regardless of its size, cost, and complexity, must have the standard features that other phone lines have. These standard features are voicemail, voicemail transcription, caller ID, 911 calls, mobile and desktop apps, dial by name, integration with office software, virtual receptionists, hold music, advanced screening, phone logs, unlimited calling to the US and Canada etc. These features mentioned above are very vital in the VOIP system so you should watch out for them when you are to buy the VOIP system.

The maintaining and supporting services: Before buying a VOIP system, you should have sorted how the system would be maintained and supported. You can decide to go for the option of providing these services yourself in your business using your competent IT staffs to deploy and maintain the system for you. You can, on the other hand, decide to employ the use of the hosted VOIP solution or get a capable reseller to provide you with these services. This point should be taken seriously because you wouldn’t want to get a new VOIP system and end up being stuck in between the decision of how to maintain it. You should get this puzzle solved before buying the VOIP system.

Last and not the least tip to consider when buying the VOIP system, is to consider the needs of your employees. You can go further to ask them about the features they desire to see in the new phone system since they would also be a part of the VOIP system implementation in your organization.


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